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Is It The Parent’s Fault?

Is It The Parent’s Fault?

Over the course of the weekend, social media has been inundated with articles and sayings from the women’s march. I believe in free speech and feel it is important and one of the pillars of this countries freedoms. With that being said, I do believe that it’s also important to be sensible and logical in that speech if you want to be “heard” or you want to exact change.

One saying that caught my eye was written on, what looked like to be, a white bed sheet and it read:

“If Mary had had an abortion, we wouldn’t be in this mess”

Obviously, they were referring to the Virgin Mary, and if she had aborted Jesus, our Lord and Savior, there would be no need for a march. Because, it would seem, Christians are what’s wrong with this country, or even this world.
One has to wonder if their parents were Christians. Did they ever read the Bible and/or did they teach them about God or even right and wrong. While a child’s actions are a reflection of the parent(s) sometimes, the apple falls a long distance away from the tree.
Our two youngest sons went to the Winter Crossroads Conference in Gatlinburg, TN a couple of weekends ago. Since returning,  we’ve had some of the chaperones come up to my wife and I, and tell us just how wonderful they were while there. As a parent, that’s one of the most thrilling and pleasing things you could ever want to hear about your child(ren). But things like that just don’t “happen”. It takes years of instructing and teaching so that when they are not with you, and are forced to interact with the rest of the world, you hope what you’ve taught them will be played out in their life.
I’m reminded of a scripture:

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Take note that it doesn’t say in the way “we” want them to go, but in the way “they” should go. My mother used to always say, “Do as I say, not as I do!” While the statement may have been true, still it’s important to show the example of what is being taught. My wife will tell you that I learn better by watching something being done, rather than reading the instructions. The world is watching us (Christians) and how we react to things that are contrary to our belief. If we react like a person who does not know God, how are we being an example of Him?
Instruction(s) of our own can be swayed by what our likes/dislikes are, based on our own experience(s). But teaching based on Biblical foundation(s) takes away nostalgic tendencies, Republican or Democrat ideologies and even family tradition(s). It’s a compass that will always point to the right path.
Have we all not rebelled against Biblical instruction from our parents, Sunday School teachers or Pastor?
We’ve all thought we knew the right way and didn’t need this crazy “old” book to tell us how to live our life. Times have changed and there’s a new way. Maybe those individuals holding that sheet are at this point in their lives. My first thought was in anger for someone speaking ill about my Jesus. Then it turned to their parents for teaching them correctly. Then a still small voice says, “Pray for them.”